Curriculum areas
Our day is a blend or woven mat of experiences. We ensure a balance of learning in each of these areas is delivered to each child during their day at Blue School.

Literacy and numeracy
Introducing the foundation stages of these basic skills. Emergent literacy and numeracy is simply encouraged to begin learning and enjoyment of a world of words and numbers.

Technology and construction
In its broadest sense – including planning, design, building and production. Learning about systems, structures and processes in all aspects of our lives. The systems that make all things possible! From transport to food production and the environment.

Music, movement and play
Incorporating singing, musical instruments, dance, art and loads of physical play in our enviable, extensive and cleverly designed playground and “blue room” spaces, encouraging a love of the arts and activity.

ICT – Information and communication technology
Using communication technology (or devices such as i-Pads) in our teaching, aiming to teach children to use technology as a tool for inquiry and learning.

The opportunity to see a world beyond their own family/whānau and community and expand their oral development through learning languages such as Te Reo and a range of other languages.

Art and creative expression
Sparking imagination and creative expression though a vast range of art mediums. Fully integrating into projects and wider learning.